Welcome to FineFriends!
A social network that actually cares about you

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We believe that your data is yours. You can easily see what we know about you and what we do with that data. We will never sell your information.

Stay in touch

You can use FineFriends to stay in touch with your friends and family. See what people you know are doing.


Use Spaces to communicate about shared interests. You can create a space for anything, like a local sports club but also for your company.


Profile and cover photos are shown at every post, making the personal experience even better. You can even change colors on your profile.

You take control

You can decide what emails you want to receive, who can see your content, who can join your spaces and so on. It is your account, and you take control of it.

It's free!

There are no features you have to pay for, it is all included. And there are no ads. So, how do we make money? Simple, we do not. Not a single cent.

What are you waiting for?
Create an account now, it's easy!
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