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Welcome to FineFriends!
Here you can
On a free, modern, easy and fast website
What is FineFriends?

FineFriends is a social media website. It has a modern desgin that is easy and fast in use.
Navigating is simple and you don't have to read a manual to find what you need. No bells and whistles, just the things you need. And if you want to use FineFriends in the dark, you do not have to hurt your eyes with the dark mode.

Profile pictures and cover photos are the center of FineFriends. You can personalize your profile with them, and they are being showed on every post you place. You can even change colors on your profile.

Create spaces and share with the people in them. You can make a space for whatever you like, from your private space for your neighbourhood to a public space for your favorite band.

With posts, you can tell your friends what is going on. Share what you are doing, where you are, with who you are, use hashtags and so on. You can even share your favorite photos, videos and music directly in your post. And if you are scared of seeing something you don't like, simply enable a setting that will tell you when a post might contain sensitive content.*

You take control
You can decide what emails you want to receive, who can see your content, who can join your spaces, what posts to see on your timeline, if you want to show your online status and so on. It is your account, and you take control of it.

Why should I use FineFriends?
Apart from all the reasons above, here are some reasons why FineFriends is a good choice for you:

We have a clear privacy policy. We do not sell your data, we do not follow you outside of FineFriends and you can easily change your privacy settings. You can prevent search engines from seeing your profile. If you delete something, it is gone from the site forever. And all the data we collect is only needed to give you the best experience on FineFriends and will be deleted the moment we don't need it anymore.

No spam
We do not send you commercial emails. You can choose what you want to receive by email and what not.**

No Algorithms
Nobody knows you better than yourself. So why would we decide what you want to see? FineFriends doesn't use algorithms to gues what you like. It's all yours.

Completely free
FineFriends is completely free! There are no features you have to pay for, it is all included. And (at the moment) there are no ads at all. So, how do we make money? Simple, we do not. Not a single cent.

How do I start using FineFriends?
You can create an account right here! It is simple and done in just a few minutes.

* While we try our best to filter all sensitive content, it might be possible that something might slip through. You can report it to us, so we can still mark it as sensitive.
** Some emails cannot be disabled. These are important emails, for example when you forgot your password or we think there is suspicious activity on your account.