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By using FineFriends, you agree to our cookie policy.
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Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers.
Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on devices.
Other technologies, including data we store on your web browser, are used for similar purposes.
In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies.”

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are necessary to provide FineFriends and make it easier to use.
The cookies are devided in some categories:

Cookies are used to determine if you are logged in so it is easier for you to use FineFriends.

These cookies keep you logged in while navigting between pages in FineFriends. They also keep you logged in so you do not have to login again everytime you visit FineFriends.

Cookies are used to keep your account and data and the complete FineFriends website safe, secure and fast.

For example, when somebody tries to login on an account without succes multiple times in a short period, it is possible to detect that with cookies and some other technologies to prevent this person from logging in.

Cookies are used to better understand how people use FineFriends, so that it can be improved. For more information about how these analyses are used, please see the privacy page, where you can also opt-out of the anonymous analytics. If you have the 'Do Not Track' option enabled in your browser analytics are disabled automatically, but a cookie will still be created.

Other services (optional)
When you allow it, other services can use cookies. Without your permission, these will not be created. Examples when these cookies are used are when logging in using another service or while viewing external content from a post.
You will see a prompt to allow other services to create cookies when you try to login using another service. If you are logged in, the settings for external content will be used instead.
If you have these options enabled, FineFriends cannot prevent these sites, or external domains, from collecting information or tracking you.

Where do we use cookies?
Cookies are placed on and read from your device when you use or visit FineFriends or FineFriends related websites/applications. This also means that cookies can be used on websites that embedded FineFriends content.

Last updated: 14 April 2018