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FineFriends is undergoing maintenance. You cannot login until this is finished. We're back soon!
Download your information

FineFriends allows you to share things with the world. To make that possible, information has to be collected.

You can download the archive of your account to see exactly what information has been collected and linked to your account.

If you want more information on what information is being collected and how it is used, please see our privacy policy.

What's included?

  • Things you've shared (posts, profile photos etc.)
  • General information about your account (Email address, username, last seen etc.)
  • Your profile details
  • Your settings (Privacy, security,notifications etc.)
  • Apps that you've added
  • Friends and friend requests
  • Spaces
  • IP addresses
  • And more

Photos that you added to posts are visible in the archive, but they are not included. You will have to download those manually.

Caution: Protect your archive

Your archive includes sensitive information, including your posts and profile information.
Store your archive in a save place and maybe even delete it if you don't need it anymore. Never send your archive to somebody else.

Are you ready?

We will generate your archive when you click the button below. You can download it once it's finished.
Please be aware that, depending on the size of your account, the file can be quite large.