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How do I add one of my friends as a friend on FineFriends?

How do I add one of my friends as a friend on FineFriends?

To add one of you friends, you will need to know what the (user)name of their account is. Click the magnifier icon in the top right of the screen and type the (user)name of the person you want to add. Search for the person in the results and click it. On the profile, click the green bar right under the cover photo to send a friendship request. The other person has to accept the request before you will see this person as a friend.

How do I cancel a request?

To cancel a request, you will need to go to your friends list. Then, click 'Sent Requests'. Click the name of the person to who you sent the request that you want to cancel. Click the 'Cancel request' to remove the request.