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Security keys

How do I use security keys to secure my account?

What is Two-factor authentication?

Please see this page for more information about Two-Factor Authentication.

How does it work?

If you have a security key or Android phone, you can use it as a second verification step. If you have a security key, you just plug it in and tap it after you logged in with your username and password to verify that it is you. If you use your phone, just follow the instructions that are displayed on your screen.

How do I enable it?

You can enable Two-factor authentication on this page. You might need to re-enter your password to acces the page. Click on the 'Two-factor authentication' tab. Scroll down until you see 'Security keys'. Click it and then click 'Add new security key'. Follow the instructions on your screen. If you have set it up, you can log in with your security key!