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Your information is yours So you can find it here at any time you want

On this page, you can find all the information of your FineFriends account. You can acces it at any time.

If you want more information on what information is being collected and how it is used, please see our privacy policy.

You need to be logged in to see your information.

Posts that you've created, saved or interacted with.
You can see all the posts that you have created and modify or remove them if you want to. You can see all the posts that you saved and manage them. It is also possible to see all the posts that you have liked or commented on.

All your friends, including sent and received requests.
You can find all your current friends, as well as still unanswered requests that you've sent or received.

All your spaces, including sent and received requests.
You can find all the spaces you are a member of, as well as still unanswered requests that you've sent or received.

Account & profile
All your profile and account information, including settings.
You can find all of the details that you linked to your account here, including your settings. Apart from that, you can see some other information that is linked to your account.

Logging in and apps
Devices and apps where you are logged in.
Here you can see all the devices on wich you are logged in, including information about the device and browser itself. You can also find the apps that have access to your account and the apps that you created.

Your private messages and notifications.
Here you can see all the conversations you are in and all the messages you've sent.

Download a copy of your information.
If you want to, you can download a archive of all the information that is listed on this page.